Vote Yes on 8 this Tuesday

My final push before the election…


Tomorrow I will be working at polls, helping to make sure everyone gets a chance to have their votes counted. I know that passing this proposition is the best thing for families and children in California. I also know that even if it passes, society will continue to conform to a secular view of government and religion.  But I feel that it is important to “stand for something” so crucial to our future. Regardless of the outcome tomorrow, I will feel proud of the work I and my family and friends have done for this campaign, and I am not ashamed that I chose to take a stand.

Before the ultimate victory of the forces of righteousness, some skirmishes will be lost. Even in these, however, let us leave a record so that the choices are clear, letting others do as they will in the face of prophetic counsel.

There will also be times, happily, when a minor defeat seems probable, but others will step forward, having been rallied to rightness by what we do. We will know the joy, on occasion, of having awakened a slumbering majority of the decent people of all races and creeds which was, till then, unconscious of itself. -Neal A. Maxwell

Vote Yes on 8!


  1. Heidi
    Nov 3, 2008

    I am proud of you, Amy, and all of your hard work getting the message out on Proposition 8. Your efforts are appreciated by so many. We love you!

  2. Amy
    Nov 3, 2008

    Thanks Heidi! I know my audience here is small, but hope that somebody has been persuaded or felt reassured in their decision to vote yes. We’ll see tomorrow…

  3. Preston K. Gamble
    Nov 3, 2008

    The reason why Proposition 8 is destined to fail is because supporters of Prop 8 are building their argument on a bed of half-truths, distorted facts, ridiculous exaggerations, absurd scare tactics, and outright lies. You know that, right? You understand that, right? You realize that the TV ads and e-mail campaigns are deceptive, right? Even if Prop 8 passes, it will be an empty victory because it will not have been an issue that was won honorably. If you cheat to get to the finish line, did you really win?

    I’d also like to point out that people have a right to their own opinions, but, when those opinions serve to discriminate against an entire class of people, it creates a climate–and a country–in which THIS HAPPENS. It’s all connected, whether you choose to believe it or not.

    Many people are voting NO on Proposition 8. The measure will be defeated. Learn to live with it, and learn to love thy neighbor–or did you forget that?

  4. Amy
    Nov 3, 2008

    Preston- I am open to any and all comments if they are thought out and specific to the post, but please don’t spam me with your cut and paste rant. It’s obvious that you didn’t even read the post above or try to understand my point of view. I have seen you leave this same comment, word for word, on at least two other blogs and who knows how many others:

    If you are really interested in my response to any of your accusations, feel free to read through the numerous posts I have written on Prop 8, including this outline, and this dedicated page.

    Next time please leave a real comment. Thanks—

  5. Cain Hamm
    Nov 4, 2008

    Be careful! Save our Churches and vote NO on proposition 8! It’s OK to vote NO on 8

  6. amy maughan
    Nov 4, 2008

    Amy, thank you for all of the time, effort, and work you have put into the fight for Prop 8. You are amazing.

  7. Audra
    Nov 4, 2008

    Amy, I think your online efforts in support of Prop 8 are some of the most through and intelligently written around. Thank you for being a voice, even when so many will misunderstand.

  8. Bret
    Nov 5, 2008

    Happy day, all is well. Way to go with all of your hard work and taking a stand on this issue, Amy! You have helped make a positive difference.