A Typical Day

It’s 10:10pm and Rob is still not home from work. Seems like a good time to post. Hunter asks me almost every day after school, “What did you do while I was at school today?” I think it’s cute that after I ask him about his day, he asks me about mine. So today my answer was: “I got on the computer, then talked to Daddy on the phone, put Hannah down for a nap, held Sabrina while she slept and I read a little, went to pick up Emma, went to the grocery store, talked to Aunt Erica, and then you came home.” After that it was homework and ballet, dinner, helper jobs and bedtime. After getting the kids to sleep, including Emma coming out and telling me she had a headache and was thirsty, (I think she really just wanted a peak of American Idol) I worked as fast as I could at unpacking all of our office things that are shoved in the corner of our bedroom. Today was a pretty typical day for us.

At ballet I played Uno with Hunter four times while we waited. He won three of the four games and told me it was because he is the “Uno Champion.” Emma has a recital next Saturday, and the girls are all so excited. Hannah loves to watch through the window and since it is a ballet/tap class Emma brings both sets of shoes in her little pink backpack. It has become a ritual for Hannah to wear whichever pair Emma isn’t. She especially loves to run around in the tap shoes. They are so big on her that I wrap the shoelaces around her ankles to keep them on, but she thinks it is the greatest thing ever!

On the way home from ballet Hunter and Emma were arguing and I pulled over to the side of the road to wait for them to stop. I was expecting someone to say, “Why are you stopping?” But they were so busy arguing they didn’t notice. It wasn’t until a couple minutes later that I asked if they had noticed we were stopped. They said no and I told them I would wait until they were finished arguing to go home. Unfortunately my plan didn’t work and that only started them asking me to intervene and solve the problem. I solved it the way I thought best – nobody touches the thing you’re fighting over, just leave it where it is. Then I drove away bugged that my calm approach didn’t seem to do any good. Then I hear from the back seat, “Mom you’re being mean.” Well, I do my best.

Rob’s home now, so maybe I’ll have him read my post to catch up on the day!


  1. Heather M.
    May 25, 2006

    It’s always so interesting to see what everyone elses day is like! I really enjoy your posts!

  2. Mel
    May 25, 2006

    I think thats awesome you stopped the car, too bad they didn’t notice.

  3. Cousin Emmy
    May 25, 2006

    It’s funny. I only have 1 and I feel like days are CRAZY! I know the REAL crazy is yet to come.

  4. Heidi
    May 25, 2006

    Olivia insists that ice cream IS for breakfast, so I too am a proud member of the Mean Mommy Club. It’s funny how “No” = Mean.