232 Years Old

We had a blast this July 4th weekend.  It started with the bike parade.  The night before we decorated our wheels with streamers, bead, pom poms, pipe cleaners and stickers. That morning we walked and rode two bikes, a scooter, and a doll stroller over to the community childrens’ parade.

After getting there, Hannah was a bit overwhelmed by it all, and she and Sabrina did not want to take part.

Emma loved every minute.

Hannah sat with Sabrina and observed for a while then she warmed up to the idea and rode her scooter for a while.  Sabrina’s doll stroller stayed in our stroller next to her the whole time.

Hunter was Mr. Cool on his bike.

Emma brought the American Girl on her bike for a ride too.

Hannah was so fun to watch on her little scooter.

Fireworks were banned because of fire danger, so we got party poppers instead.

Pop, Bam, Boom!

That night we went to the church for dinner in the parking lot while some bands of members of the stake played patriotic and popular songs. Then it was off to watch the fireworks show put on by our village association.

The next day, we cleaned out the garage and then decided to try out Hunter’s new kite at the beach.  We tried out a new beach which we heard was fun for families because of the mellow waves and tidepools.  A lot of people had the same idea.  It was packed!  So we weren’t able to fly the kite, but had fun playing around in the sand and tidepools.

Little Corona Beach

Rob and Hannah look for hermit crabs

Emma was great at finding the little guys.

Sabrina was not interested in being near them.

She was excited about finding a little purple shell though.

Sabrina and Hannah made initials on the sand.

Emma, Hunter, and Rob took a walk way out over the tide pools.

Hannah and Sabrina covered Mommy’s legs and feet with sand.

Sabrina made a fun game out of coming right up to the lens for me to take her picture.  I love this one.


  1. korby
    Jul 6, 2008

    Happy late 4th. I love the festive outfits. Great Parade Pics.

    We are jealous of your beach fun. HAVE SOME FUN FOR US………… PLEASE. We miss the beach.

  2. Auntie Lauralee
    Jul 7, 2008

    Wowee, what a fun-packed weekend!
    Red, white and blue everywhere.
    And then to make a great holiday even
    better, off to the beach building more
    memories. Loved all the pictures.

  3. Mel
    Jul 7, 2008

    All the 4th of July outfits were cute. Looks like a lot of fun at the beach.

  4. Erica
    Jul 8, 2008

    Looks like so much fun! I love the American Spirit captured in a children’s parade. That is great. Also, I am wishing we were at the beach today. That looks so refreshing!