I Ate Blueberry Yogurt

blueberry.jpgAbout five years ago, I was eating my lunch which included a cup of blueberry yogurt.  It was Kroger brand, not my favorite Yoplait, but we were in law school at the time and living off of student loans so I went for the generic.  About half way through I put a spoonful of yogurt in my mouth and felt something wrong.  It was about the size of a blueberry, but too hard to be one. I worked it toward the front of my mouth and picked it out to take a look. To my horror what I was holding between my fingers was a beetle! A black one with little legs sticking out the sides. Disgusting!  I immediately jumped up and started spitting into the kitchen sink, rinsing my mouth with water and trying to keep myself from gagging. I was seriously traumatized by it.  I’m one of those people that gets nauseated watching those reality shows where they eat bugs and have to look away or leave the room completely. It would take an awful lot of money to convince me that eating a bug was worth it.

I made Rob call the quality control line on the container, and of course they apologized and sent me a coupon in the mail a couple weeks later.  It was for $10.00 worth of Kroger products. Also included was a letter that explained how when dealing with fruit little bugs or twigs inevitably get into it. So, not much of an apology, and um, I really don’t want any more Kroger products right now.  I kept that little bug in a ziploc in my freezer for several months with the intention of sending it to the CEO with a letter daring him or her to eat that bug for $10.00. But my evil plan eventually died out and I threw the bug in the trash.

However my fear of blueberry yogurt has remained with me.  I even had a hard time eating things like blueberry pie for a while, but would do it with small bites carefully examined before consumption. Occasionally I would buy the Yoplait brand of yogurt daring myself to try again.  But it usually would end up sitting in the fridge until it was way past it’s selling date, and I would throw it away.  But I finally did it.  Last week I bought some Yoplait blueberry yogurt and ate the whole thing.  There was a lot of mixing and staring at each spoonful, but I did it! I am one step closer to conquering my fear. Woo Hoo!


  1. Heidi
    Jul 10, 2008

    I was never much of a blueberry yogurt fan, but I know I am not a beetle yogurt fan. You’re a brave girl re-entering the world of blueberry yogurt.

  2. korby
    Jul 10, 2008

    $10.00……..RIDICULOUS!!! I LOVEd your Evil plan. I don’t know if I would EVER be willing to try and conquer blueberry yogurt again. Good for you……… For Moving Forward.

  3. Erica
    Jul 10, 2008

    I really thought that you would NEVER get over that experience! Good for you! Next challenge…horseback riding! 🙂

  4. Mel
    Jul 11, 2008

    Way to go! Way to conquer your fears. Um, I ate a bug, willingly and without pay.

  5. Tami
    Jul 11, 2008

    Congratulations! My kids have been trying to get me to eat a hot dog again after a bad experience 20 years ago. No such luck yet.

  6. heather
    Jul 12, 2008

    That’s horrible! You’re much braver than I am, I would be too tramatized to ever eat it again, ahhhh! And I agree, Yoplait is heavenly, but I only buy it when it’s on mega sale since my kids tend to inhale yogurt. At least they love the healthy stuff, right.

  7. Melly
    Jul 13, 2008

    Curse you! Ever since this post, I can’t eat the mixed berry that is in the fridge! (it has blueberries in it)