I Love TiVo, I Hate TiVo

cookarchuleta.jpgGrrr… It was almost 10:00 pm by the time I had the kids in bed and did a half hearted tidy of the kitchen. Rob walked in from work just as I was finishing up and asked after his long day, “did you already watch American Idol?” I told him no and we settled down to unwind after both having had long days to watch the season finale. It wasn’t recorded! Why not?! Oh, the Tivo was recording a rerun of Lost instead. Ahhh…

I admit that the face off on Tuesday night was only bearable because of the actual singing of the two Davids. The rest of the show was torturous from the cheesy boxing analogies to Paula’s crazy comments interlaced with lyrics from the song they had just sung. But I still wanted to see who would win. So we went to the news sites online and read all about David Cook’s big win. I think it didn’t really matter who won anyway because they will both be huge successes in their careers. David Cook was always interesting because he could take an old song, and make it sound current. David Archuleta was just so cute and pure both in his personality and his voice. Both have great talent and I’m sure they are relieved to be done with the competition.


  1. korby
    May 22, 2008

    The boxing stuff was so anoying. Your right they will both be succesful.

  2. Mel
    May 22, 2008

    I haven’t watched any of it….kinda doesn’t interest me anymore.

  3. Erica
    May 22, 2008

    Oh, I would have been SO MAD! I am sorry that you didn’t get to see it, but you were right, it really didn’t matter who won. I liked both Davids and hope that at 17 David A. is ready for all of the stuff that comes with stardom.

  4. Auntie Lauralee
    May 22, 2008

    I recorded it all perfectly on my DVR, yet still had a problem. Ryan opened the envelope and said “the winner is David Cook,” then my DVR quit recording and that was it! I didn’t get to see any of the reactions or the interviews or anything. So I quickly ran to YouTube and sure enough someone had posted the whole ending and I got to watch all the ending bits and pieces. Whew! I thought the whole finale was great and loved all the surprise guests. Anyway, I think David A. has his whole future ahead and was so thrilled to win a car. All very cool.

  5. Heidi
    May 23, 2008

    I think I saw part of the first season at your house in Provo. I wish we had Tivo because when I finally get a chance to sit down and watch TV, nothing good is on.

  6. Tami
    May 23, 2008

    Chris read a spoiler at the beginning of the finale, but I didn’t want to hear the results yet. So I suffered through the whole show wondering who it would be. I had said that I didn’t care who won (didn’t even vote because I couldn’t decide who to vote for–they are both so great in their own ways), but I have to admit, I was disappointed when DA didn’t win. Sorry you missed it–how frustrating!