Counting By Fives

“The 5s Tag” I was sort of tagged by Tami :

10 years ago: I was ready for my first baby to be born! I hoped I wouldn’t have to miss Scott & Korby‘s wedding, and Hunter was glad to oblige arriving two weeks early on the morning of my baby shower.

5 years ago: We were living in North Carolina. Rob was just finishing his first year of law school, and starting a summer internship at a District Attorney’s office.

5 months ago: It was the beginning of the New Year and I made a few resolutions. One of which I can cross off as of last week: I got my passport.

5 things on my to-do list today: 1) go to park day 2) fold the laundry 3) do girls night with my daughters 4) sort the piles of papers and junk 5) pick up Emma from school

5 snacks I enjoy: Yoplait yogurt, a bowl of cereal, trail mix, grapes, M & Ms

5 things I would do if I were suddenly a billionaire: 1) pay off student loans!! 2) find Rob a more rewarding job 3) visit Italy 4) contribute to or start my own charity 5) Get a full time chef.

5 of my bad habits: 1) putting off the dishes 2) putting off starting dinner 3) not exercising 4) falling asleep on the couch at night 5) Taking really long naps whenever I can

5 places I have lived: 1) Central California 2) Central Utah 3) North Carolina 4) Los Angeles area 5) Orange County

5 things people don’t know about me: 1) In seventh grade my history class wrote a book about the Civil War 2) I was hoping the top three on American Idol would be David, David, and Brooke 3) I love to watch Masterpiece Classic on PBS, I bet that isn’t too surprising though 4) I bite my fingernails when they get too long and drive me crazy 5) I hide the Wii remote and tell people I don’t know where it is

5 people I tag: Erica, Kirsten, Ciel, Meshelle, Marea – I think some of you may have already done this one? Oh, well. Whatever…


  1. korby
    May 18, 2008

    I love tags because you always learn something new about those you think you know well or atleast pretty well.

    I liked Brooke too. She was so cute.
    I think I might take on #5 of things people don’t know about you. Our video game controllers disappearing would be nice here and there.

  2. Tami
    May 20, 2008

    Hmmm. I guess we have even more in common since all 5 of your bad habits are bad habits of mine too (I’ve got a lot of bad habits), but I usually fall asleep on the bed before I am really ready for bed. Glad you did the tag!