Totally Ready Clearance Sale

There is a clearance sale going on now at Totally Ready. Everything in the store is 25% off. Here are some of my favorite deals:

Adult Executive Kit

A ton of stuff for less than $100.00


Child A+ Kit

Everything a child needs for just over $50.00



Ten Light Sticks

We use these all the time for ordinary power outages


School Kit

Even if your school doesn’t require kits, these are great mini one-day kits for the car or if your budget is tight.



  1. heather
    May 6, 2008

    I am currently working on getting our family ready since we have no kits right now, and would be in trouble if there was any big emergency. also, I never even thought about kits for the kids to have at school, it really makes so much sense Amy, thanks so much!

  2. Mel
    May 6, 2008

    Wow, I had no idea they were so cheap. Who knew? I really wish I could get some, but we’re trying to save more money…I know, I know, its a good investment, but it will have to wait. Thanks though for showing what is available.