I’ve been tagged by Korby

The rules: Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names; then goes to their blog, leaves them a comment by letting them know that they’ve been tagged and invites them to read your blog.

1. I still get mail for Korby at my house.  Somehow even after 7 years and 6 moves, the credit card offers and Huggies coupons have been forwarded.

2. I’m a big procrastinator.  I put off everything unfun for as long as possible.

3. My most recent obsession is finding an outdoor climber/slide for our backyard. But the stingy side of me refuses to buy it new, and I’ve been looking for a great deal.

4. I spent Saturday baking and delivering cinnamon rolls as a fundraiser/service project.

5. I’m trying to convince Rob to change his career to a cranberry farmer in Oregon; for several reasons I won’t get into now.

6. I used to try hard never to laugh out loud when watching TV and movies because I thought it was dorky. Now I love to be that dorky person laughing and not caring what other people think.

I tag… I haven’t caught up enough on everyone’s blogs to know who hasn’t been tagged yet.  Those who haven’t done this one, consider yourself tagged.


  1. Jenny
    Apr 21, 2008

    Why didn’t you TELL me you were looking for a climber? I just loaned one to the Morgans because I have TOO MANY. I can keep my eyes open for you if you let me know your price range. I found a great one at a garage sale two weeks ago for $27.

  2. Jenny
    Apr 21, 2008

    Oh, and I have a small slide or two if you want to borrow one for Sabrina to play on. Just let me know.

  3. Amy
    Apr 21, 2008

    Jenny- It’s just been in the back of mind for a while, and now that the weather is nicer I want to encourage outdoor play. Maybe I need to start garage sale-ing. I like to sleep in on Saturdays and think I’ll miss all of the good deals by the time I get out the door. (That’s another fact I could have mentioned, I love to sleep. It’s like a hobby for me.) I guess some things require a sacrifice. I’d love to borrow a slide for a while. I’ll call you later.

  4. korby
    Apr 21, 2008

    I am SORRY about the forwarded mail. I get so much junk mail it is unbelievable. I am SO SICK of credit card applications. We don’t have any and don’t want any.

    I would love your cinnamon roll recipe. I have NEVER made them.

    Garaging is so FUN! I love the great deals.

    GOOD LUCK on your search.

  5. Mel
    Apr 21, 2008

    I love the deals you can find at garage sales, but I am with you on waking up early on a Saturday, Amy.

  6. Auntie Lauralee
    Apr 23, 2008

    It’s fun getting to know everyone, more and more!