My Angel

Engagement Picture

Here’s what I love about Amy:

  • When we were dating, she said “I love you” first.
  • Even being married and having a baby, she still finished school and got her degree before I did.
  • She’s better with money and budgeting than I am (I practically have to order her to buy stuff for herself).
  • When I had a sales job in college, in the middle of winter she bundled our baby up, put him in the stroller and walked and talked with me as I delivered flyers around the neighborhood.
  • When she’s happy her eyes get all sparkly.
  • When I got accepted to law school in North Carolina, at first she cried about moving across the country, then she got to work and took care of getting our house all packed up and drove with our kids in the minivan while I followed behind in the truck. What a trooper!
  • When I spent an entire summer as a hermit studying for the bar exam she would handle the kids all day and would always come quiz me on stuff whenever I asked, and at night after I got back from my prep class, we would just lie in bed and listen to audiobooks until we fell asleep.
  • Also while I was studying for the bar, Amy took on the task of finding us a house in Southern California without any help from me. She ended up finding us a great house in a neighborhood that we just loved.
  • Amy is currently the room mother for both our school-age kids’ classrooms and the assistant den mother for our son.
  • Every day after school, she makes sure homework gets done, violins get practiced, chores are finished and dinner’s on the table.
  • Amy calls me at work just to check in with me and tell me she misses me.
  • In the evening after the kids are in bed, we’ll put on a movie and Amy always snuggles up to me on the couch and hands me the remote.
  • When Amy wanted to learn how to make movies on the computer she had me show her where the movie editing program was and what I knew about it (which wasn’t much). Within an hour, she had put together a movie on her own, added a soundtrack and figured out features that I didn’t know about.
  • Amy always looks stunning. She doesn’t need makeup or any fancy hair products. From the minute she wakes up until she falls asleep at night, she looks gorgeous.

Amy, you’re the gutsiest, hottest, sweetest person I’ve ever met. Happy birthday, babe!


  1. Melly
    Apr 9, 2008

    “Aaahhh!” Amy, all the girls are jealous of the sweet things Rob said about you. What a cute picture. Was that your engagement photo, I’ve never seen it before.

    Amy, Happy Birthday, hope you had a good day.

    Yah, you’re pretty great I guess. 🙂

  2. Heather
    Apr 10, 2008

    Happy Birthday Amy! You rock the mom and wife stuff, no question!!! I hope you splurge and get yourself something fun on your day, you really deserve it! And that was a fun list to read, Rob you’re pretty great yourself for writing all of that, it was so sweet!

  3. korbystevenson
    Apr 10, 2008

    SO CUTE!!! I hope you had a Great Birthday!

  4. Auntie Lauralee
    Apr 10, 2008

    Yessirree Rob, you are one lucky guy!
    (Better than winning the lottery.)
    Nice to hear about your good fortune, in writing.

  5. Heidi
    Apr 10, 2008

    Happy Birthday, Amy! If you were 12 years old this would be the best birthday ever because you get to celebrate with your family and then again with Rob. TWO birthdays. 12 year olds everywhere are jealous. 😀

  6. Cousin Banna
    Apr 10, 2008

    Happy Birthday Amy!!