Happiness At Harvard


At Harvard University one of the most popular classes on campus is one called “Positive Psychology.” Taught by Tal Ben-Shahar, it focuses on what makes people happy. These are six of his tips for happiness that I found in an NPR article by Tovia Smith.I think it is fascinating that people (me included) are so interested in figuring out the key to happiness. As if there were some magic recipe that if we all follow it exactly then ta-da! we are living in bliss. It seems like a lot of common sense and the thing that I notice is that it requires an effort and conscious decision on our part. There is no sitting back and waiting for happiness to arrive. We decide if we are going to track happiness down and invite it into our lives.

1. Give yourself permission to be human. When we accept emotions — such as fear, sadness, or anxiety — as natural, we are more likely to overcome them.

2. Happiness lies at the intersection between pleasure and meaning. Whether at work or at home, the goal is to engage in activities that are both personally significant and enjoyable. When this is not feasible, make sure you have happiness boosters, moments throughout the week that provide you with both pleasure and meaning.

3. Keep in mind that happiness is mostly dependent on our state of mind, not on our status or the state of our bank account. Barring extreme circumstances, our level of well being is determined by what we choose to focus on… and by our interpretation of external events. For example, do we view failure as catastrophic, or do we see it as a learning opportunity?

4. Simplify! We are, generally, too busy, trying to squeeze in more and more activities into less and less time. Quantity influences quality, and we compromise on our happiness by trying to do too much.

5. Remember the mind-body connection. What we do — or don’t do — with our bodies influences our mind. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, and healthy eating habits lead to both physical and mental health.

6. Express gratitude, whenever possible. We too often take our lives for granted. Learn to appreciate and savor the wonderful things in life, from people to food, from nature to a smile.


  1. Auntie Lauralee
    Mar 10, 2008

    One of my boys said to me a while back, when he was in a frustrated state, “Mom, the trouble with you is that you are too content!” Although he was agitated, to me this was a huge compliment, recognizing that I had arrived at an elevated state where I was completely happy. The secret? #4 – Simplify!

  2. korby
    Mar 10, 2008

    Amy Thanks for this POST. I think it is a post I need to read regularly and will. I wish that there was just one that I was lacking in. I think I will print this out tonight and keep it where I can see it often. I defininetly need to simplify, express more gratitude, and think positively. I love exercising but need to do it more than once or twice a week. I feel instant happiness when I finish a workout. I get giddy. thanks again Amy