Happy Anniversary

So, we went to the mountains to celebrate our anniversary. It was a little different than we had expected though because Rob had to work, of course. I don’t hold it against him at all, I hold my grudge completely against the corrupt philosphy of the finance department at the firm. He has billed so many hours recently, and I was really hoping for a break for him and a chance for some quality family time at the cabin. Without going into why, we felt that it was important for him to take a job in another department that happened to be the same time as our planned trip. So, on Wednesday night I cried, and Thursday morning Rob went off to work and I started packing up for the trip not knowing when he would be able to join us. I packed clothes and food etc. for everyone including Rob. I figured even if he had to go back in the next day at least we could see him for a little while. Everything went well once we got on the road, and the kids were so excited when we entered the cabin you would think it was Disneyland. They ran from room to room laughing and saying, “This is so cool!” That night we went out for pizza at the nearby village and took pictures at the cutouts they had in the village. We played games and watched some Nickelodeon and Dad arrived just before bedtime. He read the kids some stories and then we spent the rest of evening holding Sabrina and laying next to Hannah so she would stay in the twin bed. He and I talked about stuff and that put Hannah and Sabrina to sleep after a while.

The next day Rob spent a lot of time working there from the cabin, but we did get to do some exploring of the little shops in the village. The kids and I found a little pond nearby and walked around and watched the ducks. Then there were more games, some reading, and relaxing. Except for Rob, he was off to find a cell signal to check his emails (by this I mean he got in the car and drove 5 miles until he got a signal and pulled over to check messages) several times during the day, and reading through his documents and made revisions. Poor guy didn’t get much of a break but, to his credit, kept a positive attitude the whole time! On Saturday we cleaned up and packed up for home. As I was pulling away I heard a thunk, thunk, and of course it wouldn’t be a family vacation without a flat tire! Luckily we had a full size spare and it didn’t set us back too long. After we got home, Rob took off for the office and worked until 2:30 am. All in all it was a great family time, and we made the best of the situation. However, the demands of this job just don’t seem worth it! I want to know when he’s ever going to get that two weeks vacation he’s supposed to have. He took one week off when Sabrina was born and is supposed to have two weeks more… I feel like we’ve been tricked.

I have two new albums in the gallery.

1 Comment

  1. Heather
    Aug 28, 2006

    And to your credit Amy you’re doing a great job too! It must be so hard to do anything as a family. I can see why your family says he works for Hitler. I’m so glad he got to be there for some of it, and it sounds like the kids really had a great time! I hope you get a real vacation all together sometime really soon because you all deserve it!