Report on Last Week

1. Solicit parents in Emma’s class for $ for teacher’s Christmas gift.

Done, now I just wait for the money to trickle in.

2. Solicit parents in Hunter’s class for $ for teacher’s Christmas gift.

Done, now I just wait for the money to trickle in.

3. Solidify plans for Hunter’s and Emma’s class parties next week. Yes, I am a room parent for both classes, crazy I know.

In progress.  Went this morning and cut out winter themed die cuts for making door hangers. 

4. Drop off the girls at Gretchen’s house (thanks!) so I can go work at the school’s holiday shop. I’ll be helping the kids buy little things as gifts for their family. My job is to keep them within their budget.

Done.  It was so fun to see the kids trying to find the perfect gifts for Grandpa or baby brother.  Especially fun to watch Emma because she used money she had earned herself. 

5. Finish sewing costumes for the ward Christmas activity, A Night in Bethlehem. I have one tunic finished so far, but have 4 others that are only just cut out.

Done. Got one for all of the kids, and Rob and I went Toga, wrap a sheet around you style. It was a nice party too.  Great turnout!

6. Get fabric to make some humanitarian blankets for the victims of flooding in Mexico. They have to be turned in on Sunday.


7. Sew the blankets, I have one finished already.

My goal was 3, but 2 was ok too.

8. Start to Pixie !

Done. Although as we were unloading the kids to leave it on the front step, guess who came walking out of the garage? Oh well.

9. Clear a path through the house so that the repairman coming this afternoon can find the repairs he needs to make on our running toilet, and exposed carpet tacks.

One done, still waiting to hear back from the carpet guy on getting the tacks redone. 

10. Trip to the post office to mail a package.

Did it this morning. 

11. Finish shopping for Christmas.

Almost done! 

12. Keep up with Secret Siblings – we all drew names on Thanksgiving and are supposed to do something nice for the person we picked every day until Christmas. I’m also doing Hannah’s and Sabrina’s. Maybe should have thought this through a little better…

Maybe not something every day, but I made an effort.

13. Grocery store trip for the basics.

I decided to use a  coupon from for free delivery and got them online.  A cool thing, but they arrived at 10:30 at night instead of between 4 and 8pm that I had signed up for.  The poor driver  was way overloaded when a guy called in sick, and it was also his birthday! 

14. Write off any cleaning, because realistically, it’s not going to happen this week!

Yep, didn’t happen. 

15. Send Rob a cute email message or call him because this is our only communication until his deal at work closes on Friday.

Done.  Thanks to 


  1. Auntie Lauralee
    Dec 11, 2007

    A remarkable load off your list Amy. Hooray for you!

  2. Heidi
    Dec 11, 2007

    16. Get rest so that when trouble calls in the morning I can fly to the danger, use my X-Ray vision to see trouble through walls and use lightening fast speed and reflexes to get shopping done in eight seconds.

    You really are supermom!

  3. Amy
    Dec 11, 2007

    Oh stop, I’m blushing. I forgot to mention the mini nervous breakdown I had on Saturday night. Just so you know I’m not trying to sell this crazy week as normal for anyone, including myself!

  4. Rob
    Dec 11, 2007

    I can confirm that I did, in fact, receive a very cute email message from Amy. I can also confirm that Amy is, in fact, supermom. She’s amazing! I don’t know how she does it all. It’s pretty sad when my goal for each day is to try to be home before Amy goes to bed (including tonight, I’m still at work and will be for a while!). I love you, baby!

  5. korby
    Dec 11, 2007

    I love getting my list marked off. I think without kids it is A HUGE accomplishment Amy. I am so glad you were able to get so much done.

  6. Melly
    Dec 12, 2007

    Great Job Amy!

  7. Heather
    Dec 12, 2007

    Sorry Amy, too late, I already know about your secret identity. You really are supermom, there is just no getting around it! I am still in awe of your crazy week. I think I would have had a breakdown, and not just on one day, try all seven of them!