To Do List


This isn’t me, but it could be… If I ever ironed.


Well, so much for getting a peaceful Christmas season. Maybe next week, but for now I can’t belive how much I need to get done between today and Sunday.

1. Solicit parents in Emma’s class for $ for teacher’s Christmas gift.

2. Solicit parents in Hunter’s class for $ for teacher’s Christmas gift.

3. Solidify plans for Hunter’s and Emma’s class parties next week. Yes, I am a room parent for both classes, crazy I know.

4. Drop off the girls at Gretchen’s house (thanks!) so I can go work at the school’s holiday shop. I’ll be helping the kids buy little things as gifts for their family. My job is to keep them withing their budget.

5. Finish sewing costumes for the ward Christmas activity, A Night in Bethlehem. I have one tunic finished so far, but have 4 others that are only just cut out.

6. Get fabric to make some humanitarian blankets for the victims of flooding in Mexico. They have to be turned in on Sunday.

7. Sew the blankets, I have one finished already.

8. Start to Pixie !

9. Clear a path through the house so that the repairman coming this afternoon can find the repairs he needs to make on our running toilet, and exposed carpet tacks.

10. Trip to the post office to mail a package.

11. Finish shopping for Christmas.

12. Keep up with Secret Siblings – we all drew names on Thanksgiving and are supposed to do something nice for the person we picked every day until Christmas. I’m also doing Hannah’s and Sabrina’s. Maybe should have thought this through a little better…

13. Grocery store trip for the basics.

14. Write off any cleaning, because realistically, it’s not going to happen this week!

15. Send Rob a cute email message or call him because this is our only communication until his deal at work closes on Friday.

I’m stopping here, because I just can’t spend any more time on the computer, too much to do!


  1. Heather
    Dec 5, 2007

    All that AND a new post?!? You’re my hero! I’m pulling for you Amy, you’re doing an awesome job! And I guess my sink full of dirty dishes is not such a big deal after all.

  2. Amy
    Dec 5, 2007

    Oh, I’ve got a sink full of dirty dishes too. Keeping your house in ready to show at a moment’s notice condition is quite an accomplishment for you!

  3. korby
    Dec 5, 2007

    OH, Sorry so much is going on. I am sure you will get it done. I am incharge of Halston’s Party so any ideas in all of your spare time would be great. Rob loves you and will forgive the mess or help with it I am sure. We have great hubby’s. Thankfully.

  4. Erica
    Dec 6, 2007

    You are amazing! I really hope you know that I think you are Supermom!

  5. Melly
    Dec 6, 2007

    Good luck!

  6. Auntie Lauralee
    Dec 6, 2007

    Oh Amy, I’ll make room in my “swamp” for you too!
    I know it is a busy time for everyone, but we’ll all make it.

  7. Heidi
    Dec 7, 2007

    This is such a busy time of year, but I think you win.