Living Vicariously Through My Sister

Erica sent me an email with this story, and I laughed so hard. She said it would be ok to share it here. Those crazy kids!!…

Owen, Erica & DavisDo any of you remember the Christmas light “war” we had with our neighbors two years ago (last year they went to Hawaii, so things were calm on the battle front)? As a brief summary, we went back and forth stealing lights off the other’s house and adding them to our own. Well, we are at it again (I know, I know, we are like 15 years old at heart!). We took this old nasty couch that was left here in our out building (where we park our lawn mower and that’s about it), wrapped it in Christmas lights and put it in front of their house. When they came home from their Thanksgiving in Arizona it was there to greet them.

Then this morning when I left to take the boys to story time this is what I found….

Roof Couch

That’s right, that is the roof of our house!!!!!!!!!!

Gotta love good neighbors!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. nana
    Dec 1, 2007

    These people are seriously crazy!!!! Two years ago they stole all the light bulbs out of the Christmas lights on the house and then they changed all the lights to red….hummm. They even have a bunch of teenagers to help so I think Matt and dad may need to get involved when we get up there. I’m like you Amy I could not stop laughing. How great to have such fun friends!

  2. Erica
    Dec 3, 2007

    Thanks for sharing in our fun. We still need to retaliate and will keep you posted as to what we come up with!

  3. korby
    Dec 5, 2007

    That is SO SO SO FUNNY. I keep giggling to myself. I just hope you got it down safely. I would love to know what else both of you come up with.

  4. korby
    Dec 5, 2007

    PLEASE keep me posted.