Lab Results

cholesterol.jpgSo when was the last time you went in for a checkup with your doctor? I’m not talking about a visit to the pediatrician with your kids, or a flu shot visit, or an I-think- I-need-antibiotics visit, but what is known as a yearly physical. I think I have done this “yearly physical” twice in the last 11 years, and last week was one of those times. I had the dreaded pap and breast exam, needed a tetanus booster, a flu shot and had blood drawn for testing. (I have to say I’m not too sure about those flu shots. This is the second time I have gotten one and a few days later came down with a shortened version of the flu. Monday night until Tuesday night I was so sick!) I just got my test results back yesterday and was relieved to know that I am “normal.” It was surprising how much it put my mind at ease to know there was nothing I need to be worried about. Although I imagine that it would have been just as helpful for me to know that there was something I could do to improve my health had the results been abnormal.

The one area that I can use some work on is my HDL cholesterol level. This is the “good cholesterol” that helps get rid of the “bad cholesterol” (LDL). I did a little research and found some helpful hints for getting my 46 up to the 50’s range which is considered good for women. (Please do your own research and talk to your doctor about these things before taking them too seriously- Yes, this is my disclaimer) Here are a few:

1. Regular exercise

2. Increase Phytosterols (vegetable fats or “plant” cholesterol): *Soy products* Sesame, corn, sunflower and canola oil* Sesame seeds* Sunflower seeds* Peanuts* Rice bran* Green peas

3. Avoid saturated fats and increase monounsaturated fats: *Olive oil *Other vegetable oils *Nuts *Avocados

4. Orange juice and other fruits and vegetables with high anti-oxidants

5. Lose weight

So here’s my challenge: Make an appointment to see your doctor. There is just one blood draw that covers almost a dozen tests. I still have an ugly yellow and purple bruise because the guy put the needle in a bit too far, but it was still worth it!


  1. Heidi
    Nov 2, 2007

    I was just thinking last week that I would like to have my blood tested. I am going to day for a possible sinus infection. I would like the peace of mind getting any results from a blood test. Especially since I am of poor health these days. I will ask my doctor today about a full exam.

  2. Heidi
    Nov 2, 2007

    Scott gets one yearly through his work for insurance purposes and if he is in good health they pay for his medical insurance. His results came back glowing. Hooray for his good health and not paying for his insurance.

  3. Korby
    Nov 2, 2007

    Obviously those were NOT from Heidi I keep posting for other people when I am not on my own computer.

  4. Auntie Lauralee
    Nov 2, 2007

    Before I retired I had a complete physical with all the extra
    exams (mammo, colonoscopy, pap, diabetes, cholesterol, etc.).
    If there is an exam, I had it. Results came back terrific in
    the normal, no problem or worry, range. I was so thrilled.
    Of course, I am always cautioned about losing weight and doing
    more exercise, something I am trying to work on regularly.
    As I have no medical insurance, or require any prescriptions,
    this was awesome news for me!

  5. Auntie Lauralee
    Nov 2, 2007

    BTW, I get a flu shot every year and have never gotten
    the flu, ever. I really advocate them from my experience.

  6. Melly
    Nov 6, 2007

    Mark and I both need to go in for a check up.