Childproofing with Style

Recently I was at my friend Heidi’s house and noticed that she has a stairway similar to mine with railings quite far apart. This is an issue I have too because Sabrina and Hannah love to stand in the hall upstairs and lean through the rails and wave down to Mom and Dad in the living room. I didn’t know quite how to solve the problem until I saw Heidi’s stairway and was inspired. She had fabric weaved through the rails to keep the little kids from falling through! So I bought a bunch of blue fabric thinking that because we’re renting and can’t paint the walls, I would add some color on the stairs. I’m really happy with the way it turned out and need to decide if I should also do along the stairs as well.






  1. Korby
    Jul 20, 2007

    I like it! I have seen some kind of plastic attached to the rail but I like this more and I am sure it is way cheaper. I like that it is safe and stylish that is a great idea.

  2. Korby
    Jul 21, 2007

    Great idea! It looks fabulous!

  3. Heidi
    Jul 21, 2007

    Oops! That was me. I am at the clinic and forgot to check my name.

  4. Erica
    Jul 22, 2007

    Very clever! I am sure that it has reduced your anxiety as well!!!