New Design for Screenshot

I just finished putting together a new site design for The prompting for the change came because I recently got involved in putting a site together for a friend of mine back in LA (which I may or may not tell you about depending on how it turns out when it’s all done). Anyway, the more I was working on that other site, the more I was unhappy with how WhiteBinder looked. It just seemed too monochromatic and jammed together. I’m really happy with how this new design has turned out. It’s not just a new look, there are also some new features that will enhance the experience for you, the website visitor (yes, you!). Here are the highlights:

  1. You can resize the font on any page by clicking the “A” graphics in the top bar.
  2. You can change the width of the site from “narrow” to “wide” to “auto width” by clicking those little line and arrow graphics in the top bar.
  3. You can set the color scheme of the site to blue, green or orange to match almost any decor. No longer will my site clash with your drapes.
  4. I figured out how to get the “create pdf” button to work that appears in the top right of every article. Before, all the text in the pdf would be all jumbled together. The way I got it to work, for those that are interested (ok, just Marky… ok, probably not even Marky), is to pull all the css code out of the paragraph tags (even any class designations) and put everything into the separate style sheet. I’ve only had time to do this for a few of the more popular articles so far so it doesn’t yet work for all of them.
  5. The main menu on the top left is set up as a transmenu. Move your mouse over the menu and you’ll see it in action (ooh, high tech!)

You may also notice some familiar faces in the scrolling graphic on the main page. I’ll be updating those images from time to time so check back often, you never know who will make an appearance on the soon-to-be-world-famous WhiteBinder scrolling graphic of destiny®!

So anyway, it’s still a bit of a work in progress and I could use your help polishing it up. Please take a look around and let me know if you come across anything that doesn’t work or doesn’t seem to be formatted correctly, or just let me know how completely awesome the site is in all ways, I’m cool with either.


  1. Cousin Banna
    May 9, 2007

    You know it’s funny, but the palette conflict between my bedroom decor and the main page of is exactly why I never read it. I guess now there is no excuse! 😉 I checked through a lot of pages/links/functions and found no issues. Nice site!

  2. Marky
    May 9, 2007

    It looks great Rob, I like that new design. I actually was interested in how you got the PDF thing to work, I stripped that very function out of the site because it didn’t really work. Maybe when I get some time I’ll have to monkey with it (I think it had less to do with the css and more to do with the paths to some libraries on the server it was looking for that did not exist). It’s a fun feature.

    I’m looking forward to submitting some content when I get some time and find my white binders (well, to be completely honest, my binders are grey, but the principle is the same). You need to show Mammy how to submit content, she used to send me all sorts of stuff while I was on my mission, and just the other day she was asking if I knew where a copy of something she sent me was (it’s somewhere in my binders), if it was on your site, she wouldn’t have to worry about losing it 😉

    The thing she was looking for (if I remember correctly) was a conference talk from the 60’s maybe, by Sterling W. Sill, it started with him saying that before the conference he was asked to prepare a 60 minute talk and a 60 second talk, and he was just told then that they needed the 60 second one…and then the rest was a nice little talk about marching etc… If you have it, you should stick it up and let mammy know it’s there…

  3. Heather
    May 9, 2007

    Looks great Rob, I like all of the updating and changes to the sites everyone has been making. I am hoping to do the same to my site, but I wanted to wait until Finn got here so I could add a pic of ALL of my kids, and not have to re-do it after the baby got here. I’m lazy like that. I also loved the pictures you added, but I might be just a little biased about your cute kids.

  4. Melly
    May 9, 2007

    Yes, it looks really fun. We need to start submitting our stories…

  5. Melly
    May 9, 2007

    I think the rotating pictures are really fun. I think I have some Temple pictures I took I could send your way.

  6. Rob
    May 10, 2007

    Great, send them in! On the pictures, the dimensions are 1000px by 200px which makes it a bit tricky to find ones that will work, but if you’ve got some, that’d be great.

  7. How cool is this! I think you guys are awesome. I wish that we lived closer, I’d love to see you and your kids.


  8. Holly
    May 10, 2007

    I have a ton of fun talks and quotes…in a storage unit in Logan. I may have to take a rain check on this one, but I will start checking out the site more. Such a fun, eh.