Calling All First Grade Girls

junieb.gifTop-Secret Personal Beeswax: A Journal by Junie B. (And Me!) is a book that Emma just loves. There is a whole series of Junie B. books that the kids really relate to because “she” thinks a lot like they do. I discovered this book when my friend Mary and her daughter Ashley were telling me how much they liked it, and how Emma would love it too. I thought they were right and gave the book to Emma for Christmas. It is still one of her favorites. Inside are entries with a page that “Junie B.” wrote, and on the next page is a space for Emma to write what she thinks. There are also entries for artwork and your favorite jokes and nicknames. Junie B. lists her favorite food as Fruit Loops—the kids get a laugh out of that one every time. Emma took a wallet sized school picture and cut out her face which we taped on the front cover and it looks so cute. Emma loves to write in it, and I think she has finished filling in the pages, but I still catch her erasing and rewriting entries. Either she has changed her mind or figured a better way to write it, I’m not sure. I think it is the perfect way to get kids to write about who they are and get some confidence in expressing themselves. With Junie B’s entry there too, it gets them thinking about clever answers, not just a bland yes or no. Highly recommended!


  1. Heidi
    May 5, 2007

    You are just preparing her for blogging. 😉

  2. Auntie Lauralee
    May 5, 2007

    Sounds like this book series is right up Emma’s alley.
    She is soooo creative and loves the arts, in all forms.

  3. Korby
    May 5, 2007

    Adler’s teacher would read to the class Junie B books and all the kids loved them including the boys. I got Adler a few of them but am working on a better boy selection. Do you have any suggestions?