The Time Machine

The Time Machine Uncle Rico’s Time MachineA little while back, I won a bid on eBay for a box full of illustrated classic books for kids. I’ve been working my way through them with Hunter and Emma, reading a chapter or two to them each night as part of their “bedtime routine.” We just finished reading The Time Machine and the kids really got into it. When we were done, I figured it would be fun to go rent the old Time Machine movie they made back in the 60’s and watch it with the kids. We had this movie when I was a kid and I probably watched it a dozen times at least. I had all these memories of the cool effects and of how scary the morlocks were.

We had a fun time watching it with the kids who remembered parts from the book and thought it was all fun but let’s just say, this is one of those movies that the years have not been kind to. Amy and I had a hard time not laughing at all the cheezy effects. The best part, I think, was one scene showing a city being destroyed that was clearly some kid’s train set with matchbox cars being set on fire. Hilarious! There were other problems too. It seemed like the time traveler just spent the whole movie yelling at people for being from the future. Plus, the morlocks all looked like they came straight out of a John Goodman look-a-like contest (that they didn’t win for being too fat. Zing!).

It’s kind of sad, actually. I had such good memories of that movie. There are other movies I liked when I was younger that I avoid watching again just because I don’t want to be let down like that. Does anyone else do that?

By the way, I know Uncle Rico’s time machine has nothing to do with The Time Machine movie, but I just couldn’t resist (Oh, it kills, it kills! Turn it off! Turn it off!).


  1. Heidi
    Apr 5, 2007

    Time Bandits….worst movie EVER!!! I remember watching it all the time when we were younger, but it is horrible. “Mum! Dad! Don’t touch it! It’s evil!”

  2. Love it. You are a fun mom!

  3. Amy
    Apr 5, 2007

    Heidi, What are you doing up at 2:30?? Heather OWW- Unfortunately, I can’t take credit for this one. Rob did this post, and he is a fun Dad!

  4. Heather
    Apr 5, 2007

    I never liked “Time Bandits”, EVER. I always wondered why all of my other siblings loved it and kept watching it. I would have to say “Krull” was a huge favortie of mine, that has since been throuroughly mocked and laughed at by my two oldest children. I know it was cheesy, but come on, Liam Neeson is even in it, and the effects weren’t that bad! Ok, they were, but I still like it, and even own it. Maybe Noah, Haven, and Mathes will like it if I get to them while they’re young enough…. I still hate Time Bandits though, and won’t be torturing my children with it anytime soon. Oh, and we used to love the movie “Swamp Thing”, and after seeing it on TV a while back I have to say I cannot believe I ever watched and loved that movie. It was LAME!

  5. Heather
    Apr 5, 2007

    And Amy, Heidi and I both have kids that tend to get up at all hours of the night, so we both have very late hours. Gracen has been having a hard time lately sleeping through the night, and I have been up with her the most lately, but I am ususally up until 3-4 am, sometimes later, with one of my 4 little ones usually. Then I am back up again at 7-7:30am to get the kids breakfast and ready for school. I try and get a nap every once in a while but it doesn’t always work out. I get some sleep on the weekends, but when you have kids, you know how it can be, and sleep doesn’t always happen.

  6. Cousin Banna
    Apr 5, 2007

    Rob, so what you’re saying is don’t watch it? We had the video disk (too bad those never caught on eh?;)) of this and we also watched itlike a billion times and it WAS real, and incredible realistic. I think I’ll take it off my netflix list to avoid future disappointment. This was a very close call indeed.

  7. Melly
    Apr 5, 2007

    mark introduced me to Time Bandits, and I liked it. 🙂

  8. Auntie Lauralee
    Apr 5, 2007

    Hi Amy, thanks for adding my blog to your site.