Readers Digest- May/June 2009

May 2009:

There is a long story behind this new television. Since this is the Reader’s Digest version, I’ll just leave it at this: Bought an old CRT TV at an auction for $180.00; Found out there was a class action lawsuit associated with it; Got this beautiful plasma TV at no extra cost to us. Best deal ever!

Hunter designed and made his last pinewood derby car- a Lego racer.

Check out the helmet and the Webelos logo on the top. Impressive!

Celebrated for Hunter’s birthday at Disneyland/California Adventure. This was when they drained the lake to build a new Fantasmic-like show.

Everyone loves the teacups… Except Mommy. I hate them.

June 2009:

Hunter became a candidate for student body office…

and ran a fun, clean campaign. (He won too!)

Hunter in his birthday-boy crown

Me and Hannah- We just loved going to Ruby’s Diner

Rob, Emma, and Sabrina- When we would go to Ruby’s we would always check in next door at the Barnes & Noble too. We love both milkshakes and books!

Hannah starred in her first how-to video.

Hunter left behind Cub Scouts and was welcomed into Boy Scouts.

I spent a week at Girls Camp (Here’s me with the other leaders). We were supposed to pick a source of light to go along with the theme, and the girls chose Lava Lamps. Groovy!


  1. kirbell
    Jan 11, 2010

    Oooh, I want my CRT TV to be in a law suit, too. Luck-y! (No seriously, what kind of TV did you have?)

  2. Amy
    Jan 11, 2010

    Kirbell- It was Zenith (who was bought out by LG, so the new one is an LG) and the lawsuit had something to do with a defective projection lamp engine…