Readers Digest- Mar/Apr 2009

March 2009:

Hunter’s grade did a Colonial Day where they spent all day doing things like they were done at the beginning of our country’s history. I worked this station helping the kids with calligraphy.

Here Hunter is putting together a corn husk doll. They also whittled soap, made wooden hand games, did square dancing, quilted, punched tin, and some other things I can’t remember now.

I borrowed this dress for the occasion, and tried to make myself look old fashioned.

Emma took her first acting class, and played the baker in “The Gingerbread Boy.” She was fabulous dah-ling!

I took this picture to do a post, and then never did it. The gist of it was this:  How do you manage the socks in your house? I have one laundry basket filled with non-matched socks, and every couple weeks I pay the kids a nickel per pair to match them up. All of the matched ones are mixed together and kept in the same basket. Seems to work ok, but any other ideas?

Emma dressed up for a biography report at school, and was just beautiful.

School Jog-A-Thon Day

Sabrina agreed to model for Emma’s first fashion photo shoot. Emma’s got an eye for photography already.

This is one of my favorite photos Emma took that day.

April 2009:

The kids had fun with this April Fools joke: Try to pick up the coins- They’re really stickers!

We got Hunter to smile in a picture- Happy Birthday to me!

Rob surprised me by arranging for Nana & Papa to take the kids while we spent the weekend at Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego. Who knew that in six months we would be moving nearby?

I was called into the Young Womens program and got to spend time with teenagers doing stuff like this. I loved it!

Sabrina started a preschool/playgroup we called “Princess Academy.” Hannah got to join in sometimes too.

Hunter gave ice hockey a try at the Discovery Science Center.

The girls took a “ride” on the Magic School Bus.

We made tie-dye cupcakes for a Girls Camp fundraiser. So yummy!


  1. korby
    Jan 7, 2010

    I love your old fashioned picture of you. You look so beautiful.

    I LOVE Hunter’s smile.

    Sounds like such a cool school. I would love to do all those activities.

    I have a sock basket full of unmatched socks too. I am not nice enough to pay the kids to mate them though. We always end up with half a basket of unmated ones. We must have a sock eating monster.

    I used to make Brittany model for pictures. Emma we would have been the BEST of friends. I love seeing your creativity. The picutres are so great.

    You have too much fun. I wish our pictures were snowless like yours.

  2. Papa
    Jan 7, 2010

    Love the recap. Great photos! Lots of talent there. Looking forward to the May/June report.