Not Another Summary

Hunter finishes his first full week in “pageant” in about 15 minutes. Hooray for a week off!

Emma and Hunter have been zipping through the “Harry Potter” series. With the movie coming out this week, they have become obsessed with catching up to it. In spite of the fact that it’s rated PG 13 so they have to wait for Mom and Dad to see it first… although if they have read the book, the movie is the same stuff huh? Don’t know how that will go yet…

Hannah and Sabrina are taking a weekly ballet/tap class together. Hannah loved the first class, and Sabrina did most things. She only refused one excercise that involved leaping and then having the class applaud the effort. She didn’t want any part of that spotlight.

We have been keeping busy with trips to the park or the pool, reading, Wednesday lunchtime with Daddy, playing around the house, a discount showing of “The Tale of Despereaux,” and cleaning up! The latest strategy for this is “five minute flips” where we pick three areas or rooms that need cleaning up and make those our stations. We split into three teams and each rotate through the stations every five minutes. I set the timer and everyone works on their area for five minutes. This seems to work because they can focus their attention for that length of time pretty well, and know that they don’t have to do it all, just keep going until they hear the buzzer.  We do the rotations until it’s clean, so the better they work, the sooner we’re done. I’m not sure if it will work for the whole summer, but for now our house is cleaner than it ever was during school. That’s nice.

I’m still having fun adding to my Mia Maids’ blog and taught a class today on testimony that seemed to go pretty well. I’m also way behind on the photo gallery for this blog, but one day I’ll get back on top of that.I would like to participate in Craft Hope like my sisters-in-law, but the deadline is fast approaching.

Rob has decided to start learning Greek. He has been reading a lot of history on the Bible, and figured it would help him to be able to go back and read some of the Greek text. I know, “Whaa?” But I have to say I’m jealous of his ability to find things like that so interesting that he can read about it for any length of time without falling asleep.

Tomorrow Hunter starts a week of basketball camp, and Emma starts an acting class. Then we’ll do more pageant, swimming lessons, and a family reunion in August. I’m not sure why I have so much packed into summer. Maybe it’s because I don’t want it to become a chorus of “I’m bored” around here, and once school starts again, they’ll feel like it’s a breeze. We’ll see how well this strategy plays out.


  1. Mel
    Jul 13, 2009

    I like your cleaning idea….I’ll have to try that for myself. I get overwhelmed when I think I have to work on the whole thing right then. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes here and there will hellp.

  2. korby
    Jul 13, 2009

    Sounds like a SUPER FUN SUMMER!! Don’t tell my kids. I should try your cleaning idea they get sick of the week long job. Great Idea.

  3. Matt
    Jul 14, 2009

    I think the new Harry Potter is just PG. I remember being surprised that it was just that…and not PG-13.