He Got The Part

Today we got the phone call we’ve been hoping for and Hunter has been selected for a part in Pageant of the Masters! He will be one of ten people in the painting, The Making of a Fresco by Diego Rivera. We find out which person he will be on the 15th when we meet with the organizers. We’ll also get a schedule of practices and performances, so if you’d like to come see Hunter live we can give you some dates.

Emma answered the phone and ran to me, “Mom! It’s the Pageant of the Masters!” (Poor Emma is disappointed that she hasn’t gotten a call, but I keep telling her there’s still time!) Hunter was at Scouts when they called so when I picked him up and gave him the good news he just kept saying, “Seriously? Seriously!? SERIOUSLY!!??” I’m so excited for him; he’ll be the best looking construction worker there!


  1. Auntie Lauralee
    May 6, 2009

    Wowee Hunter! What awesome fun!

  2. Kelly T
    May 6, 2009

    That is really Cool! I saw it once (free tickets) and am impressed. Can he stand that still??:)

  3. heather m.
    May 6, 2009

    Congratulations Hunter, that is beyond cool!!!

  4. korby
    May 7, 2009


  5. Heidi
    May 7, 2009

    Hunter, they allow nervous crying, but you can tell they don’t like it. 😉