This is post number 401 for Bizzert! Wow, I didn’t think I had so much to say.

As I was vacuuming the other day, I was reminded of a statistic I heard somewhere. Have you ever heard that you’re never more than six feet away from a spider? I don’t remember where I got that from, or if it’s even true, but it got me thinking.

In our house, you are never more than six feet away from:

A plastic hair band – I will buy a package of 100 and somehow they always seem to be all over the house within minutes of walking through the door. I’ve gotten to the point where I can do the girls’ hair in any room. All I have to do is look around and there is sure to be a little rubber band on the floor, or on the dresser, or in a shoe…

Scotch tape – The kids use it for everything: Hanging their drawings on the walls, building inventions out of shoe boxes and toilet paper rolls, pulling off pieces and wadding them into a ball, or just letting them fall to the floor where they must be pulled up every time I vacuum.

A dirty sock – Why do kids like to take their socks off in strange places? I’m finding socks stuffed in the toy box, under the kitchen table, on top of a desk. Crazy!

Some sort of food wrapper – Hunter is an early riser, and not particularly interested in spending time making himself anything to eat before mom finally pulls herself out of bed. But as a growing boy, he wants to eat as soon as we wakes up. So I find granola bar wrappers, fruit snack wrappers, cheese stick wrappers, empty cereal bags etc. every day. (Will someone give me a clue how to get him to clean up after himself without me asking him?) Hunter is not the only offender on this, just the most active one.

Doll or princess related items – Between our three girls we have obsessions with Ariel, Jasmine, (all Disney princesses really), Barbie, and American Girl. At any given time you could do a 360 turn and find some sort of doll, clothing, picture, or book relating to the dolls.

A little green bingo chip – The kids have this nature bingo game that has little green marking chips. Somehow they turn up in the strangest places. We have been finding them pretty regularly for several years now and Rob likes to joke, “We’ll still be finding these things when we’re retired!”


  1. Stephanie
    Jan 24, 2009

    I love your posts. I’m so glad you blog. You’re clever, informative, and interesting. I love it.

    I too am constantly picking up dirty socks – but from one BIG kid. 🙂 He comes home from work and takes them off and I find them in the most random places. And I have NO idea how they get there. Always on the floor, but still…

    We’re getting to the point where I see dolls and disney princesses very often. Oh, it’s so fun!

    How are you by the way?

  2. Amy
    Jan 24, 2009

    I’m doing great, but blogging has been slow since the new year. I find myself distracted by too many things right now. I’m still checking once in a while to see when your blogging break will end, but I can totally understand feeling a bit burned out on it. Thanks for your kind comments Steph!

  3. Erica
    Jan 25, 2009

    Too funny! By the way…I have never heard that stat about spiders. You really are very clever. I miss you sista!

  4. Heidi
    Jan 26, 2009

    The food wrapper one makes me laugh. We put a large gate up in the kitchen doorway to keep the kids out after the boys started a small kitchen fire with the toaster. This hasn’t deterred Holden in the slightest, he still gets in and helps himself to whatever snack he wants. Liv confessed to me that she tells him what to get for her.

  5. korby
    Jan 30, 2009

    At our house it would be lego’s, video game stuff, dirty socks too (even scott’s),princess or baby stuff and my craft projects.

  6. korby
    Feb 10, 2009

    We hope you go home safely.

  7. Amy
    Feb 11, 2009

    We’re home after a long drive through the snow. Thanks for a super fun visit!