I Am Thankful For My Keychain Hooks

Having run several errands today, I was reminded again how much I love these keychain hook thingies. To fully appreciate how much these things have changed my daily routine you need to know that my keys were always lost before I started using them.  I would come in the house and set them down with the grocery bags, or on a table, or counter, who knows where.  Then when I needed to use them again I had to retrace my steps from the last time I went out.  One year Rob even got me one of those keychains that beeps when you press a button on a remote because I was losing them so often.

When I was out shopping I would usually just throw them in the diaper bag, only to be standing next to my car with a cart full of groceries, cranky kids, or my patient husband (he was just pretending though, I know he was thinking, “Why can’t you keep track of those things?”) digging and taking out a dozen things before finding the keys at the bottom of the bag.

I tried one of these keychain things, and now before I walk into the house or into the store I attach the keys directly to the front zipper on my diaper bag or purse (I have one on both of the bags I use most).   And now I can always find them and even unlock the van door while I’m still walking towards it. Wow: No scavenger hunts or digging. What a simple time saver and sanity saver it has turned out to be!

1 Comment

  1. Melly
    Nov 25, 2008

    That’s a really good idea.