Office Party

On Saturday, Rob’s office had a party for the associates and their families at Dave’s and Buster’s. It’s sort of a cross between a bar, a casino (only in decorative atmosphere, there’s no gambling or smoking), and Chuck E Cheese. There are some party rooms with pool tables and a little buffet, a restaurant and bar section, and then the game room. There were traditional arcade games and a lot of the ticket giving games where you basically put in a coin and watch it fall or push a button to see how many tickets you will get. It was a ton of fun! Even Hannah and Sabrina were so good and enjoyed the crazy, loud activities. Hunter and Emma tried out pool for the first time, and we did a little chatting with the adults. Then we just went crazy in the arcade.

We ended up with a ton of tickets and two people gave us their extras when they saw us with four kids. There is a little store where you can spend your tickets, and everyone got something fun to take home. In the mix, we ended up with three extra long slinkies: green, red, and purple. They were all instantly messed up as soon as they came out of the box. I spent 20 minutes untangling one for Emma yesterday, only to have her come back with a tangled mess again 2 minutes later. I looked at her like “don’t even ask” and she said, “I’m going to fix it by myself.” Smart girl. So now that I will not untangle the slinkies, I decided to try them out as art. We got a couple of digital photography books, and I tried some things I read. I still need to work on a sharper focus (time for the tripod), but I think I got some nice abstract images. I’m planning to post on the books later, after I try some more of the advice.


  1. Erica
    Mar 12, 2007

    Okay, I will admit that I was looking at that picture and wondering what the heck it was!!!! Don’t get me wrong, it looks very cool, but you haven’t ever posted anything abstract before…I love it. Anyway, sounds like a really fun night for all. Glad to see that this firm does some family friendly things and I am loving that you are experimenting with photography again!

  2. Melly
    Mar 13, 2007

    Yah, I didn’t get it at first too, I was like what does that pic have to do with the party. But I get it now, so fun.

  3. Heidi
    Mar 13, 2007

    Yep, me too. When I finished the first paragraph and still didn’t understand I thought it must have been something at Dave’s and Buster’s.

  4. Korby
    Mar 13, 2007

    I think the picture is great. I thought it was something the kids run through some kind of fun house activity.

  5. amy
    Mar 13, 2007

    I was hoping the picture would make people curious to read the post. I guess it worked.

  6. Heather
    Mar 13, 2007

    I too have had the same slinky trauma, and the exact same requests to “fix it” as well. And I do the same thing, I fix it once, and two seconds later they are back, and then I tell them they are on their own. I only have enough time and patience in a day to fix those darn slinkys, and my kids seem to tangle the immediately. I really love your pictures, you have a real talent Amy! So fun, and what a cool perspective! It took me a minute of reading to get what it was too, but I really like it!

  7. Holly
    Mar 13, 2007

    How funny. Just TODAY my work had a company-wide party at Dave & Busters as well. Everyone thought I was weird for not knowing what it was. I assumed it was maybe just an east coast thing. Well, now I absolutely have no excuse.

  8. Korby
    Mar 14, 2007

    I showed Scott the picture with no further info and his guess was wires or cables. He was way closer than my guess.