An ugly attack on Mormons – Los Angeles Times
An ugly attack on Mormons – Los Angeles Times
I thought I’d try out this quick post feature I’ve never used before. This is great! The article says what I have been thinking all this time, so thought I’d put it out there.
Read MoreThirteen Things
1. Thanksgiving at my parents’ was great. Lots of food, lots of play with cousins, lots of fun.
2. Four of us shot a gun in Grandpa’s back yard over the break.
3. On the drive home Sabrina soaked through her diaper and pants.
4. On the drive home Hannah spilled a whole bottle of water in her lap and later threw up.
5. After the trip I had a terrible migraine like I’ve never had before. I thought my head might explode.
6. Hannah is playing Wii Disney Princess right now. The girls’ obsession with princesses is still going strong.
7. I’m starting up pixies again this week.
8. Rob finished his self evaluation yesterday. So weird, it’s like giving yourself a job interview.
9. Today I’m planning to pull out the Christmas decorations.
10. Emma has had her braces off for one month.
11. Only 10 more posts until I reach 400.
12. Hunter finally has a music stand for his violin practice time.
13. I’m buried in laundry; some dirty, some clean. As always.
I Am Thankful For My Keychain Hooks
Having run several errands today, I was reminded again how much I love these keychain hook thingies. To fully appreciate how much these things have changed my daily routine you need to know that my keys were always lost before I started using them. I would come in the house and set them down with the grocery bags, or on a table, or counter, who knows where. Then when I needed to use them again I had to retrace my steps from the last time I went out. One year Rob even got me one of those keychains that beeps when you press a button on a remote because I was losing them so often.
When I was out shopping I would usually just throw them in the diaper bag, only to be standing next to my car with a cart full of groceries, cranky kids, or my patient husband (he was just pretending though, I know he was thinking, “Why can’t you keep track of those things?”) digging and taking out a dozen things before finding the keys at the bottom of the bag.
I tried one of these keychain things, and now before I walk into the house or into the store I attach the keys directly to the front zipper on my diaper bag or purse (I have one on both of the bags I use most). And now I can always find them and even unlock the van door while I’m still walking towards it. Wow: No scavenger hunts or digging. What a simple time saver and sanity saver it has turned out to be!
Read MoreI Am Thankful For A Husband Doing Laundry
Rob just started a load of laundry without making any comment about it. No “where are all my pants?” or “Whoa, that’s a big pile of clothes!” He just went in, turned on the machine, put what he needs for the week in the washing machine, and whistled as he walked away. Yes, he really was whistling. I’m so lucky to have such an awesome guy.
Read MoreI Am Thankful For My Carpet Cleaner
About six months ago I told Rob what I wanted most was a steam cleaner. We went and picked one out and it has already paid for itself by far. Having a house that is completely carpeted, it has come in handy so many times mostly with potty related accidents. Today, I used it not only for a potty accident, but also for a sparkling juice accident. When I was getting something out of our food storage in the office, something tipped, there was a domino effect and several things came crashing down. One of them being a bottle of sparkling white grapejuice. It then started oozing and squirting white grape juice everywhere. This just about gave me a mental break down (only an emotional one this time) because our office floor was covered in clutter, so I left a trail of juice not only along the carpet, but on countless miscellaneous items as well. I am still in a bad mood over it, and am writing this against my will, because Rob says I have to write something and stick with my goal. So, there ya go. I’m thankful for our steam cleaner.
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