Second Day of School

Summer has come to an end, and a few days ago we filled backpacks with school supplies once again. When Emma and Hunter were getting all of their school supplies organized, Hannah and Sabrina worked on decorating little bags with glitter glue so they could be part of the school time excitement. Yesterday was the first day of school, and it went great for Hunter and Emma!  Over the summer, many improvements were made to the school classrooms, restrooms, and office so it was especially fun to go back and see the changes.  The renovations were completed just two days before school started, so there wasn’t time to do much more than bring the desks and supplies back into the classrooms.  In spite of the bare classrom walls, Hunter and Emma both came home excited. Some shifting of teachers and classrooms also happened, so Hunter will be meeting in the same classroom that he did last year, but with his new fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Estrada. Hunter has two of his best friends in his class, and thinks Mrs. Estrada is awesome, so it’s shaping up to be a great year for him.

Emma was so excited about her new third grade teacher, Mrs. Somers, too. They were able to pick their own seats, and Emma already has a new best friend in the class. Another friend that walked home from school with us had the same teacher for third grade and told Emma that she was the best he’s ever had, so it looks to be a fabulous year for Emma as well.

I don’t plan to be a room mother this year.  I may try again when Sabrina hits preschool or kindergarten, but until then, I’ll be happy to help as much as I can.  I got in a bit over my head last year, and although I think it was fine, I didn’t feel like I filled my role as room parent very well.

Hunter and Emma rode their bikes to school this morning for the first time ever, and we are all very excited about that too!