I need your help with WhiteBinder.org

WhiteBinder.org Map

I just posted a new article on WhiteBinder.org. For anyone that doesn’t know, this is a site I created some time back to post all the spiritual thoughts, stories, articles and other church-related things I’ve collected since my mission. I haven’t posted much to the site in the last few months mainly because I’ve already pretty much run though all my “A” material.

The article I just posted is one I came across recently from Davis Bitton (church scholar and co-author of The Mormon Experience) called, I Don’t Have a Testimony of Church History. It’s really interesting. He talks about his experience being both an active member of the church and a historian. It reminded me that there are still a lot of great articles and stories floating around out there that would be great additions to the site. This is where I’m hoping you guys can help me. If you’ve got anything that you think would be a good addition to the site, please send it to me. You can email it to me in pretty much any format, or you can mail me a hard copy of it if that’s all you have. If you need any of my contact info, let me know in the comments and I’ll get it to you. I would love to really turn the site into a great resource for people to be able to come and get access to great talks, stories and other resources on the church.

The site actually gets a fair number of visitors without me doing much at all to promote it. The image of the map above is taken from the stats program I use for the site (it’s Google Analytics, which is a great, free program). Each orange dot on the map indicates at least one visitor from that spot to whitebinder.org in just the last month! The vast majority come through searches in google and other search engines. I also have a feature where people can sign up to get an email whenever new content is posted to the site and there are now more people signed up for it that I don’t know than ones I do. So, I think the site is providing value to people and I would love to keep adding to it and improving it. I hope you can help!