An Addition to Our Nest

We are proud to announce that there is a new member of our household. He doesn’t have an official name yet (partly because he’s so young that we’re not 100% sure he is a boy), but the front runner is Huckleberry. After hours of pleading and many months of saving up her money, Emma finally convinced us to let her get a parakeet. We all went to the pet store to pick him out today. Emma picked an aqua color cage that matches his feathers quite well. She has also done a lot of research on how to care for parakeets, and although he is a little shy today, she hopes to train Huckleberry to talk and to sit on her finger.  This is the first time we’ve had a bird in the family, so it’s all very exciting!



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Hunter the Baker

Hunter wants to earn some money this summer, and has really become interested in baking. So he decided to combine the two and have a bake sale.

He sent out an email and received so many orders that we were baking for two full days to fill them in time. He learned a few things about business- he needs to pay Mom for ingredients, he needs to pay his assistants, time is worth something, and what seems too hard can be done.

His new hobby has made him some money and really sabotaged my chances of losing any weight this summer. But how can I discourage such talent?

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Summer Vacation Day One

  • The kids built blanket forts in the family room
  • We had a family meeting (except for Rob, he was at work) and wrote on the calendar the things we want to do this summer
  • Drove 27 miles each way to get a pair of glasses left at a water park on a field trip
  • Had a discussion about consequences with my son regarding why I was making him pay me gas money for the trip there
  • Stopped at Barnes & Noble to pick up their summer reading program for the kids
  • We looked around and wrote out titles of books we like in preparation for a trip to the library tomorrow. I could never afford to buy enough to keep them busy all summer.
  • Mailed back a Netflix DVD
  • Got my Mother’s Day present from The Vintage Pearl. I love it! I’ve been wanting a mother’s necklace for years and Rob gave me a card on Mother’s Day that told me I should order up the one I liked.
  • Ate lunch – pizza tortillas
  • We all read and rested
  • Washed three loads of  laundry
  • Brought Emma to a swim activity
  • Decided it must be allergies that are making Hannah’s eyes water and making her feel sick.
  • Gave Hannah some Benadryl
  • Made the kids clean up their forts and did chores
  • Listened to lots of fuss from a certain youngest child
  • Vowed that tomorrow we will work first, and play later
  • Hunter sent out emails for his “Bake Sale.”  He’s making, selling, and delivering yummy treats.
  • Made stroganoff for dinner
  • Welcomed home Daddy
  • Decided maybe it’s not allergies, because after a nap, Hannah still has a tummy ache
  • Watched some Veggie Tales with the kids

Bedtime now, and we’ll see what tomorrow brings

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Tongue Tied

I have been in a real creative slump lately. I haven’t been able to put together posts for the blog the way I’d like to, and it’s really starting to get annoying. I feel like it’s been a year since I’ve felt able to express myself well “on paper.” It even encompasses comments on my friends and family’s blogs, so don’t take it personally if I seem to have disappeared. I’m still reading, just not commenting. I’m determined to pick myself up and keep trying. So, you may need to endure a lot of pictures with captions, and quotes from other people until I get my groove back.

I have a little book, “What Christians Believe” by C.S. Lewis that I’ve read through. I’ve always known CS Lewis was an admired writer and thinker, but never read much from him except for the Narnia stories. I really felt truth in his words. Here’s one of the quotes from the book that I enjoyed:

“… God designed the human machine to run on himself. He Himself is the fuel our spirits were designed to burn, or the food our spirits were designed to feed on. There is no other. That is why it is just no good asking God to make us happy in our own way without bothering about religion. God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

That is the key to history. Terrific energy is expended-civilisations are built up-excellent institutions devised; but each time something goes wrong. Some fatal flaw always brings the selfish and cruel people to the top and it all slides back into misery and ruin… It seems to start up all right and runs a few yards, and then it breaks down. They are trying to run it on the wrong juice. That is what Satan has done to us humans.”

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Seal Beach

Seal Beach– a beach where the seals like to hang out in the sun.

You can get pretty close to the seals. Just behind us was a rope that separates the people from the seals.

The views are gorgeous! The ocean has an aqua color that you tend to see in more tropical locations. You can also walk out on a concrete wall and be right next to the large waves crashing on the rocks.

There is a path along the coast line and a grassy park where we saw lots of runners, dog walkers, and couples enjoying the views. There are several of these “little houses” (as dubbed by our girls) where you can sit to look out on the ocean. A great day-trip for the family. And it was free!

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