I Am Thankful I’m a Full Time Mom

Today Sabrina woke up with a tummy ache and so we’ve been taking it easy this morning.  I am so glad that I am able to stay home and take care of her. I like being available if the kids need me to bring something they forgot at school.  I love being in their classrooms to help out. I love seeing the little girls play together and being here to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (just peanut butter for Emma, just jelly for Hannah, pb & j for Hunter and Sabrina). I’ve heard people say “you’re so lucky you can stay home.” But as every stay at home mom knows, it’s not always about if you can, it’s about making it work.  Of course there are exceptions. I have friends that work part time, or are single parents and have to work an outside job in addition to their mothering responsibilities. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to walk in their shoes.

I like to describe myself as a full time mom because there are still “career” related duties: deadlines, an overflowing “Inbox,” unexpected problems to solve, employee sibling squabbles, heavy lifting, customers friends and family with needs, monotony… But there are no scheduled breaks, limited adult conversation and/or interaction,  little verbal appreciation (and most of it is forced, “Will you try again asking nicely?”), and not many chances to see the work you’ve completed, stay completed. In spite of the craziness and sometimes stressfulness, I still feel lucky to be a full time Mom to these four beautiful babies.

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I Am Thankful For Hunter

Hunter, my first born.  He is a super boy and the best big brother ever.  It can be difficult to take his picture though.  He is so good at keeping a straight face, that whenever I catch him in a smile, I feel a personal victory.  Hunter would love to go to Space Camp this summer, and still thinks that engineering for NASA would be the best job in the world. Hunter has a head for numbers and is so fast at doing problems in his head that he leaves me in the dust. He is now working towards being in the school honors orchestra.  They audition soon and the best players will get to play at Disneyland or California Adventure.  Our district honors orchestra is the only elementary band that has been invited to play there, so it’s a huge accomplishment.

Today I went to Hunter’s class and graded papers for a while.  I loved being able to listen in on how the classroom runs and since I sat quietly doing my own thing in the back, it was win-win: I got to be in class, and he wasn’t embarrassed by my me being there (I think). I love you Hunter Bear!

This may be the last picture we took of Hunter’s bike.  It was stolen from the school a while back and he found a used one on craigslist.com to replace it.

At the circus with Emma and friend Kate

Bumper bugs in A Bug’s Land

Hunter likes to make things for the girls on their birthday.  This is a chair for Emma’s American girl doll.

Hunter in character as an orphan boy at Lights on Broadway (He’s also ticked because he was the “only one” that didn’t have a Nintendo DS to play backstage. Mean Mom 🙁 )

This is Hunter’s favorite place to be – On the computer with a reflection of the monitor in his glasses.

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I Am Thankful For Emma

Emma is eight years old going on sixteen and I just love her.  I love her energy and the joy she has for life.  She is a caring girl that experiences everything completely. So when she’s sad, she’s very sad; when she’s excited, she’s very excited; and when she’s happy, she’s very happy. She is a blessing to our family with her sense of humor and her sweet nature.  Emma has the heart of a dancer, or maybe actress, or maybe cheerleader, or maybe veterinarian, or maybe dolphin trainer.  We’ll see, there are just so many possibilities.

Following are photos of her progress with braces.  She did little complaining for a seven year old dealing with discomfort, extra brushing and a list of restricted foods. Now that they’re off, she still has to wear the retainers all the time (except for when she eats) and I’ve been proud of how responsible she has been with them and how she keeps them clean. So without further ado…

Before – June 2007


Today with retainers

Today without retainers

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I Am Thankful For Sabrina

My baby Sabrina is a complex little girl.  She’s approaching three years old and getting smarter every day. I am constantly amazed at how quickly her vocabulary is growing and how perceptive she is.  She cannot be summed up in one category, so I found a few pictures that show the many sides of her personality and I’ve added some quotes of hers to go along with them.

“I next to my sister”

“Look, bubbles Mommy!”

“Can I have mac-ownie and cheeeese?”

“Hold me Mommy!”


“Can I had a canny?”

“Want to dump it out!”

“No! uh!”

“I not sticky”

“Wanna go ow-side!”

“I shy”

“I Brina Bel”

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I Am Thankful for Hannah

Happy Birthday Hannah!

Hannah has been waiting to turn four since she turned three.  Her favorite number has always been 4, and every night for months she has told me at bedtime, “On my birthday I want a princess cake and chocolate chip ice cream.” Today, she finally got it!

Hannah is a wonderful girl full of happiness and excitement.  She loves giving hugs and being snuggled, putting on talent shows, making up her own songs and dances, playing princess with Sabrina and Emma, and getting piggy back rides from Hunter. She tries so hard to be happy, that even when she gets really sad, I can hear her trying to make herself laugh.  It’s sort of a strange mix of laughing and crying, but eventually she will get herself there.

Hannah’s favorites:

American Girl aka “Merican Doll” -She got the Our Generation (Target) version for her birthday.

Chocolate chip ice cream

Disney princesses, especially Jasmine

“Jasmine’s blue color”

Ballet and tap dancing

The Song Jump in Line aka “Shake, Shake, Sonora”

Disneyland; Disneyprincess.com printables


Macaroni & cheese, Hot dogs, Soy milk


Posing for pictures or in front of the mirror

Being a helper, especially cleaning windows and doors

Her family.  All six. Everyone has their own number: 1=Hunter 2=Emma 3=Hannah 4=Sabrina 5=Mommy 6=Daddy

Thank You Mammy & Pappy!

Thank You Aunt Jeanette & Uncle Dan!

Thank You Nana & Papa

Thank You Aunt Erica & Family

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