Dear Hunter

This video reminds me of you. I know that your hard work will pay off. Love~ Mom

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Little Star

Sabrina made this poster when she was the star of the week at preschool. It says:

I am 4 years old. My favorite color is pink.

My favorite animal is a unicorn. My favorite food is mac and cheese.

She drew a picture of herself with a friend and of her family.

Disneyworld is my favorite place. (She’s never been there, but thinks it’s even cooler than Disneyland.)

When I grow up I want to be a mom.

My favorite thing to do is play store.

If I had one wish, I would wish to live in Oregon. (She drew herself playing with cousin Kate. It would be fun to live where she is!)

Here are some highlights from her first field trip to the pumpkin patch:

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Gals and Dolls

Emma has a renewed interest in American Girl lately, and had a party where her friends brought their AG dolls for her tenth birthday. They had a great time together.

Emma really loved this bag full of dollar bills and Snickers bar. Thanks N & P! She also loved the birthday cards & money &  friendship bracelet kit from her beloved Aunties. Thanks!

She has spent a lot of time doing her American Girl crafts, and jobs around the house. She’s saving up for Felicity, the American girl from Revolutionary War times that will be retired after Christmas. She has $14.00 to go…

Here’s a picture Emma took of Mia wearing a new sundress that Emma got for her birthday. Emma has started up her My American Girl blog again, and would love it if you stopped by and left her a comment with what you think of the new look.

Sabrina and Hannah have joined in on the doll loving fun and games. Sabrina still adores her baby Lilly, and picked this fabric for a new dress for her. This is the first time I have made doll clothes from a pattern (Thanks Mom for sending those!) and Sabrina is happy with it, so I count it as a success.

Here is Hannah with the “raincoat” I made for her Our Generation doll.

Last night Hunter was at a youth fireside and the three girls were playing that they lived in Felicity’s time. They turned all of the lights out, we lit some candles and the girls poured water from a little teapot, embroidered, played with corn husk and fabric dolls, and talked about patriots and loyalists. It was so much fun to watch them play, and hear Emma talking about what she has learned from reading the AG books- Things like corsets, gingham, and patriot tea made from raspberry leaves.

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Lousy Girls


Lousy (lou-zee)
strongly audible sounds; abounding in or full of noise. The combination of the words loud and noisy.

Used in a home situation
Mom: “Girls it’s quiet sleeping time now. No more talking.”
Hannah and Sabrina: “Ok, we won’t be lousy!”

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Twin T-Shirts

We have a little obsession with getting fun t-shirts. We find them mostly on Woot. Rob actually finds them so he can tell you other sites to look at too. We’re still waiting to get this one. Any Princess Bride fans will appreciate it. One day last week we all had a twin, so we took this picture. The little girls’ shirts are from Walmart or Target- They like to be twinners sometimes too.

See how Emma only has 3 inches until she’s as tall as me? And how Hunter’s passed me and is gaining on Rob? And how Sabrina is gaining on Hannah? It ain’t right I tell you. They grow too fast!

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