I Am Thankful for Tuesday

Yesterday was a busy day for our family. I didn’t get a chance to write my Thanksgiving post because I was moving all day long.  First thing in the morning Rob and I took the little girls and went to vote. Our poll happens to be at the elementary school, so I thought there might be a lot of parents that would come vote as they dropped off their kids.  The line wasn’t long and we had our notes to remind us how we wanted to vote on all of the issues (and we didn’t vote the same on everything) so it was pretty easy.

Next, I dropped Hannah at preschool and then went back to the elementary school to pick up Emma.  We have been excited for November 4th for a long time at our house. Not just because it was election day, but because it was the day Emma got her braces off!! She was absolutely giddy, and of course looks beautiful (pictures and details will follow in future posts).  I took her and Sabrina out for a treat at Yogurtland afterward and then she practiced talking with her new retainers in.  Having them on the top and bottom makes is tough.  Especially with those “S” sounds.  So we recited, “Sister Susie sat on a seashell,” and other tongue twisting sentences.

Then I took Emma back to her school, and picked up Hannah from preschool. We went home, had lunch and I tried to catch up on some housework and playtime with the little girls. After Hunter and Emma came home from school, I drove the kids over to the church where there was a party planned to entertain the kids while their parents worked making phone calls to get out the voters.  Rob and I along with about 35 others gathered at “headquarters” (a ward member’s home) and used our cell phones to call lists of voters and ask if they had remembered to vote.  Most of them had already voted, or said they were on their way to vote. We did that until 7:45 pm then picked up the kids from the church party and headed home for bedtime. After the kids were in bed, I pretty much crashed on the couch and was in and out of sleep as the election results rolled in.

Hunter has been reading this post as I’m writing and asked me, “Why are you thankful for Tuesday if it was so busy?”  Well, I was thankful for this busy day because it became even more clear to me on Tuesday what my priorities are and the blessings I have received from my work on Prop 8.

I did all of that work for my kids whom I love dearly, so they can have the best society possible to grow up in.  I am surrounded by others that value my children’s future as much as I do, and were willing to babysit and entertain 60 children for the afternoon and evening so their parents could go out and work on a cause we all believe in.

I took the call from the leaders of the church to heart, and did my best to write posts and provide information to the voters who were confused on how to vote and were looking for input. My testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and of His church has grown from that experience.

I have connected with people who share my beliefs. Both from the articles and comments I have read and written and from the people I have been waving signs, knocking doors, and making phone calls with.  That association has made me a stronger person.

1 Comment

  1. nana
    Nov 12, 2008

    I can see why you considered it a great day. Time with Emma on an important day, exercising your right to vote when so many in the world do not have that right and then working to do whatever it takes to protect your children and give them the brightest and best future you can…sounds like a perfect day to me.